Why You Shouldn’t Chug Cranberry Juice When You Have A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Why You Shouldn’t Chug Cranberry Juice When You Have A Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Here we are again. Another urinary tract infection. And besides feeding you antibiotics like candy, your GP hasn’t been much help. On your most recent visit, you ask in desperation if there’s anything else you can do to prevent your recurring UTIs.

“Have you tried drinking cranberry juice?” He asks you.

And now, two jugs of cran-cocktail later, you’re about sick of the dang thing, your stomach hurts, and you’re not convinced cranberry juice is the UTI cure you’re looking for.

Well, as it turns out, you’re right. You might want to sit down for this.

“Among otherwise healthy college women with an acute UTI, those drinking 8 oz of 27% cranberry juice twice daily did not experience a decrease in the 6-month incidence of a second UTI, compared with those drinking a placebo.” -According to a 2010 study done by the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health

Wow. All those years you’ve been hearing the same thing about your recurring UTIs: more cranberry juice. And it’s not. actually. helpful.

And there’s more bad news, too. Apparently all that sugar in the cranberry cocktail juice can actually—wait for it—make your urinary tract infection worse. Ok, take a deep breath.

Here’s some (much needed) good news.

There is a supplement that might be the UTI cure you’re searching for. Yes, really. It’s called Dmanna. Its primary ingredient, D-Mannose, is proven to prevent 85% of recurring UTIs. And, get ready for this, it’s the only proven product for urinary tract infection prevention. Knowledge is power. Want to be at the forefront of all of this knowledge? Join our Beta Tasters program to get exclusive first looks at all things UTI prevention. 

Dmanna. Your #1 daily UTI prevention product

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