14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

If you've ever experienced the terrible pain of a UTI, we know you will relate to these hilarious gifs. Let's face it, sometimes it helps to laugh about these things!

1) Welcome To The Burn Club

...It’s not as great as it sounds. Read on to live the experience.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI


2) Using The Bathroom And Randomly Peeing Fire

Top of your list of fun activities, right? No?

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

3) Your Doctor Sweetly Informs You It’s A UTI

Your lady-parts are screaming and you can’t sit comfortably. You’ve already had three UTIs this year, and you might do something crazy if it doesn’t stop. Like, punt a puppy crazy (not really, though. Love you Bruno). Or ram your car into a stationary object. Maybe a mailbox? Maybe your mailbox (if that will stop the bad news…).

The only thing stopping your self-destructive rampage is deep-breathing and potential sympathy points from your girlfriends. But then you remember you can’t drink alcohol on antibiotics...

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

4) You And Your Urinary Tract Disagree

You didn’t want to be at odds with a significant part of your body, but that burning sensation leaves you little choice.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI


5) You Don’t Want To Tell Anyone

Nothing worse than Great Aunt Elma’s judgemental stare when she finds out you’ve got another urinary tract infection. Thanks for telling her, Mom. Maybe in the future it’s best to keep the state of your privates, well...private.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

6) Your Doc Wants To Put You On Another Antibiotic

This is your fourth urinary tract infection this year. You’re not even convinced the last one went away. You heard that there’s a mondo superbug roving around out there with antibiotics and who would want that thing all up in their genitals?

Plus if this burning doesn’t go away, you’re gonna need a beer.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

7) It Just...Hurts Down There

Yeah, Ok, it’s not getting punted in the nuts, but Jebus, peeing blood has got to be just as bad. And this pain doesn’t just go away after a six pack and a few eps of Top Gear. Nope, this shiz is persistent. Like, Nelson Mandela persistent.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

8) Like, Really Hurts

There aren’t enough frozen peas in your freezer to soothe this volcano.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

9) Nothing Seems To Work

You know that aisle at the grocery with all the vitamins and supplements? Yeah, that’s what your pantry looks like, only ten times larger and smelly for some reason...The guy at Vitamin World sees you more often than your bestie and even he is getting outraged at your lack of success in finding a way to prevent your recurring UTIs.  

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

10) Your Mom Blames Your Sexy Underwear

Whoever’s spreading those lies about thongs and spandex causing UTIs should be sued for libel then forced to wear granny pannies for the rest of their lives. Because you’ve tried the all-cotton route and it doesn’t work. The only thing cotton panties are good for is wiping your boyfriend’s tears when he hears you aren’t wearing sexy lingerie anymore.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

11) Your Boyfriend Wants To Know If You Still Want To Have Sex

You’re like, “Have you seen the conditions down there?? Get back to me when you’re peeing blood and still want to have sex. Seriously, this cat’s got a cold and needs some R&R. But I wouldn’t say no to a back rub…”

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

12) Your Doc Says It’s A Hygiene Issue

Maybe this was believable when you were only showering once a day, but doc’s orders’ve got you scrubbing two or even three times every. damn. day. You’ve tried a dozen different soaps and you carry around your own special wipes so you don’t have to use the TP in public restrooms. And if one more person tells you to “wipe front to back” you’re gonna pull some Zinedine Zidane shit and headbutt them in the face.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

13) You’re Just Fed Up

What’s next, ants colonizing your ear canal? Nothing surprises you anymore. You just want to be done with being frustrated and in pain.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

14) Then You Hear About Dmanna

What’s this, you ask, Dmanna? An all-natural supplement that is scientifically proven to prevent urinary tract infections using d-mannose? Umm, where? Because this girl’s va-jay-jay is ready to do the happy dance.

Yeah girl, click here to learn more about your soon-to-be UTI-free life with Dmanna.

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

**BONUS** You Get That Dmanna In The Mail

14 Hilarious Gifs For Every Girl Who's Ever Had A UTI

Ready to take down the villain that is UTIs? Click here to get started today.

Ready to begin your UTI free life with Dmanna?

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